core beliefs

The Character of God

The Lord has revealed himself as one Lord (Deuteronomy 6:4) but in three different persons. The Father reveals the heart of God, and the intention of the Godhead (John 5:19). The Son reveals the face of the Godhead to us; he shows the nature of the father in being the fulfillment of all that God is and all that he has promised (Philippians 2:6-11). The Spirit reveals the presence and power of God in seeing to the fulfillment of God’s word (Isaiah 55:11). The Spirit falls upon man in order to bring strength and wisdom in accomplishing the task of the Lord (Isaiah 61:1).

Jesus is Lord!

Jesus is our savior and redeemer (Luke 2:10-11)! He is God made flesh to bring us into relationship with him (John 1:14). He died for us and rose from the dead so that we may have life in him (John 10:10). He is Lord because he is currently at the right hand of the majesty on high (Hebrews 1:3). All his enemies are being put under his feet! He will come back again to get his church and reign forever and ever (Revelation 11:15)!

The grace of God

The grace of God is the gospel (Acts 20:24). It is the promise from the beginning that is revealed in Christ Jesus (Titus 2:11-14). It is offered freely to each person regardless of anything we feel may keep God from giving it to us (Romans 3:23-24). We begin in God’s grace and we walk in his grace. His grace sets us free, brings us into relationship with God, and makes us reign (Romans 5:17)!

The Bible is God Breathed

The Bible is God breathed, meaning that it has life for every person and all generations. It reveals the history of God’s heart towards all of us through the stories, people, and prophesy. It trains us so that we are well equipped with the knowledge of living in relationship with the Lord (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

The authority of the believer

The person that believes in Christ has been given authority to be used on earth (Luke 10:19). The Spirit of God, living on the inside of each believer, gives gifts for the edification of the body and to confirm the truth of Jesus (Ephesians 4:11-12). The believer has authority over sin, death, and all the forces of darkness (Romans 8:37). As they are being put under Jesus’ feet, they are also being put under the feet of the believer (Psalm 110:1). The gates of hell shall not prevail against all that the Lord has given and will give to his people (Matthew 16:18)!