get Nicholas’s new book!

In the Bible book Song of Solomon, there is a description of the male main character in chapter 5. The woman describing him details him from head to toe and concludes the description by saying that he is “altogether lovely” (Song of Sol. 5:16). In Nicholas’s book, he shares revelations the Lord shared with him about the character and nature of Jesus. The book will leave you stirred up and in love with Jesus, recognizing His love for you, convinced of the standing of the believer, declaring how “altogether lovely” He is, and persuaded that He is the only true light of this world.

Warrior of Light is a book describing the Warrior: Jesus and all those who believe on Him.
Other seeds fell on good soil and produced grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
— Jesus (Matthew 13:8-9)

Sowing is an act of faith; you sow believing that it will produce a harvest both for the recipient and your own life. Giving money, praying for us, supporting and following our ministry are all seeds that you can sow and expect a harvest for. We believe for you that the Lord would fulfill the desires he has placed on your heart for your future. That you would always abound physically, spiritually, and financially, being blessed and being a blessing to others.

We believe in sowing seeds

New Ministry Updates


Community Outreach Event

On April 20th, we served with other volunteers from Redemption Community Church, community volunteers, and Westchester Parks Foundation to clean up Glen Island Park in New Rochelle. Most of the service took place at the small beach located within the park area. We picked up debris, garbage, and large pieces of wood, while also connecting with other volunteers and bringing Jesus to everyone.

October-December 2024

New Rochelle & Rye, NY

  • Our first Teaching Series, Foundations of the Faith was a blessing to us and all that came across those videos. We are currently in a new series: Back to the Basics. On top of that, we will be regularly posting Youtube shorts, encouraging, exhorting, teaching, and bringing the message of Jesus to as many that come across it.

  • We have recently started a Life Group at Redemption Community Church in Rye, New York. The group targets 18-25 year olds and creates an opportunity to dive into the word of God and create real relationships amongst believers. We are confident that this group will continue to flourish and effect the lives of both those who attend and the people in their life.

  • We thank the Lord that He inspired a new way for us to bring the Gospel to all people. Through promoting Nicholas's new book Warrior of Light, we are devoted to giving as many people as possible the opportunity to read and be changed. We will be publicizing future Church events for the book on social media.

  • On top of the Teaching Series: Back to the Basics, we will be coming out with a special series based on the content in the book Warrior of Light. It is our desire that this series would give people an opportunity to hear the message in the book, even if they don't care to read it. We are happy to have two very special friends and partners in ministry help us to make this series what the Lord intended.