
Towards the end of my High School career, the Lord began to reveal to me the truth of the Gospel of his Grace. My understanding of God before that point was that he loved people and that Jesus died for sins because he loved people. But the guilt of my sins still remained in my life, and the feeling of needing to strive to be a better Christian at times was a big burden. But then as I began to dive deeper into the Word and listen to anointed teachings online, the Lord showed me that what Jesus did, and my believing, puts me in right standing with the Lord. I don’t have to earn it or strive for good standing; it is a gift from Jesus. That reality set me free from guilt and condemnation. It also changed the way I lived. I began to see growth in the way I lived and how I interacted with others. I was set free from sins that I struggled with for some time up to then. My relationship with the Lord deepened as I continued to see his heart fully. He showed me that he wasn’t mad with me for things I’ve done or said. He wasn’t mad with me for things I will say or do. He was and is pleased with me for what Jesus had done for me! Amen! I continue to expect great transformation, health, prosperity, and freedom in my life as I walk around with his Grace always before me.

- Anonymous