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Nick’s call to ministry started while he was at College, when he joined a newly formed Cru group. Cru is an International Christian Organization targeting College students and bringing the gospel to College campuses. Nick was made leader of the growing Cru group for his last two years in College, and can testify that he saw many amazing miracles and transformations in his life and his peers. He attended several mission trips through Cru’s mission opportunities, and began taking an interest in missionary work. Towards the end of his College career, he found a non-denominational church, which he began regularly attending and pouring into. There he began to recognize his spiritual gifts. He learned how to recognize the anointing of the Holy Spirit for healing, miracles, prophecy, and preaching. He was drastically changed when he met his future wife, Natasha, through the Cru missions. He credits Natasha with deepening his personal relationship with God and clarifying the voice of Jesus to him. When he graduated from College, he found a job working as a Civil Engineer. He and Natasha got married shortly after and moved closer to the job office. However, Nick and Natasha both noticed after they were wed that the call of the Lord to full-time ministry was for them. Nick decided after time spent praying, talking with Natasha, and multiple confirmations, to leave the job and pursue the desire of the Lord for his life. Together, Natasha and Nick have launched out into the world, with a message of encountering and unveiling Jesus and his grace to every person. They look forward to all that the Lord has for them and are excited for all who get to experience it with them.