Our team believes in spreading the gospel in these ways…

  • Paul the Apostle wrote by the spirit that people hear the word through someone sent to preach and teach (Romans 10:14-15). We believe that the Lord has given us revelation about Jesus that sets people free. Our intention is to light up the hearts of all people with all that the Lord continues to teach us.

  • Discipleship is about more than just teaching. It’s about doing life with people. The early chapters of Acts show us how close the believers were (Acts 2:42-47). They were devoted to growing in Christ together. We believe in taking time to do life with people, so that we all may grow in revelation and experience of Jesus. We also believe in the strength of friendships for encouraging and supporting one another in our lives. Everywhere we are sent, our goal is to make lasting relationships with people, for our collective benefit and the unity of the body.

  • We evangelize because the truth has been revealed. We evangelize believing in the power of the Holy Spirit to lead us to the right people at the right times. We believe that the Spirit of God will confirm our testimony with miracles. Peter’s testimony brought 3,000 people to believe on Jesus (Acts 2:40-41). We are believing that the Spirit would do even greater things in this time!

  • One of the many forms of evangelism is outreach events. We believe that reaching out to the community and bringing people together gives us an opportunity to make relationships and offer Jesus to everyone.

  • In all that we do and say, we believe that the Spirit will lead and guide us. The burden is not on God’s people to do the work, but the Spirit who does it in and through us (Philippians 2:13). Jesus will continue to be with us in every pursuit as we change the world in his name (Matthew 28:18-20)!


Traveling to Churches

The body of believers need to be stirred up in this time. We are committed to going to churches anywhere the Lord may desire and bring all that he is to the body. We desire to meet the needs of the body in different locations, by preaching, prophesying, discipling, and ultimately revealing Jesus more and more.

Changing Local Communities

The church is a people, and a people destined to change the world. We intend to work with the church groups we go to in order to affect change in the community they are located in. We are convinced that everywhere we are sent, the community will be changed and people will come to know Jesus.

Discipling Believers

Everyone is on their own journey with the Lord. But we all need people to help us and be with us along that journey. We intend to make relationships in the areas we are sent. We desire to help our generation of believers discover all that Jesus has given to them and walk with them to see those gifts and blessings manifest.